Thursday, December 23, 2010

Quotes on Love & Passion

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." – Nietzsche

One of the characteristics of love relationships that flower
is a relatively high degree of mutual self-disclosure -- a
willingness to let our partner enter into the interior of our
private world and a genuine interest in the private world of
that partner. Couples in love tend to show more of themselves
to each other than to any other person....Nathaniel Branden.

Love is the passionate and abiding desire on the part of two
or more people to produce together conditions under which each
can be and spontaneously express, his real self; to produce
together an intellectual soil and an emotional climate in which
each can flourish, far superior to what either could achieve alone....Unknown. 

I love you not only for what you are, but for
what I am when I am with you. I love you not
only for what you have made of yourself, but for
what you are making of me. I love you for the part
of me that you bring out....Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Romantic love is a passionate spiritual-emotional-sexual
attachment between a man and a woman that reflects a high
regard for the value of each other's person....Nathaniel Branden. 

"My love for you is a journey;
Starting at forever,
And ending at never."
- anonymous quotation

Do you want to know a good way to fall in love?
Just associate all your pleasant experiences with someone,
and disassociate from all the unpleasant ones....Richard Bandler.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength
while loving someone deeply gives you courage....Lao-Tsu

There are no guarantees --
From the viewpoint of fear,
None are strong enough.
From the viewpoint of love,
None are necessary.
~ Author Unknown ~
The greatest tragedy of life is not that men perish,
but that they cease to love.
~ W. Somerset Maugham ~

The TRUTH behind the recent TAX bill passed by congrass

First of all, with this bill, there are NO tax "cuts" for United States citizens.  The government only voted on whether or not the current (Bush administration) tax rates would be extended for everybody.  NO ONE gets their taxes CUT.

It should never cost the government money to let American's keep more of their own money.  The media likes to tell US citizens, this bill "cost" the United States $801 Billion.  In reality, it should NEVER "cost" the government anything to allow people to keep more of their own money.  The only way it would "cost" the government, is if they where practicing what they've ALWAYS practiced; which is spending money they DON'T have, IE - Deficit Spending.  The United States government has done precisely that, this the past year.  They've spent more money than the USA has, expecting additional tax revenue from tax increases (which would have happened in 2011), to account for government spending in 2010.  It is the governments’ spending that costs $801 Billion, NOT cutting people's taxes.  Which the government isn't doing anyway.  

Democrats don't like to give the "Rich" a tax brake/cut because "they don't deserve it."  But!  The "Rich" - the people who make between $250K - $1million per year;  are primarily small business owners, doctors and lawyers.  IE - people who make the majority of their living through earned income.  

The "Wealthy" however, who the democrats are really talking about or supposedly despise; are the people such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffets and other individuals who have inherited great Wealth.  These wealthy people don't grow their wealth or generate their wealth through earned income, as the rich do. Instead, their wealth is sustained and grown through investments, interest off of bonds, capital gains, derivatives and dividends.  Raising the "INCOME" tax will NEVER affect these wealthy people to the degree it will affect the middle class and even the rich.

In an economy like we’re in right now, the most beneficial thing the government can do is reduce the tax burden on the US citizens.  Letting them keep more of their own money and in turn allowing the citizens to decide how best to spend their own money.  

For the past two years, Democrats, including Obama, have blamed the Bush era tax cuts for driving the country into the ditch and the current state of our economy.  Now, with this new bill, Obama stated how we "NEED" to keep the tax rates "THE SAME."  IE - not increase tax burden on US citizens in order to avoid a CRISIS and to keep from driving our economy down further!  By stating this, Obama admits the best engine for growth in our economy is to keep the tax burden LOW on the United States Citizens.  This admission, in order to get the new tax bill past, is a complete contradiction to the statements he's made in the past two years and up until his election as president.